Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Progress, finally

This past weekend, we picked up where we left off, getting my eldest daughters bedroom painted. I tried out Lowe's Valspar paint and was very pleased with the results which was in stark contrast to Home Depot's Behr paint that we used in the half bath. I don't think the picture accurately reflects the paint color and we are hard pressed to give the color a name. It's not yellow, it's not tan, it's not quite gold. Sherwin Williams calls it Cupola Yellow, so we'll stick with that.

We have more work to do in here however. We're going to move the bookcase and headboards out as they don't go with a sixteen year olds room. I made the headboards and bookcase, so sentimentality dictates that we'll hang onto them. I'll replace the bookcase with a simple night table and taller lamp. After I have the table, we'll hang the artwork. My wife is also going to make some curtains.
We've been debating about what projects to tackle this summer. Part of the reason that the work slowed off during the winter is that our basement is so cold due to no insulation. I'm kicking around whether I want to stud it out and insulate.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sickness strikes

The day after my last blog entry, everyone in my house except me got sick. The flu, strep throat, bronchitis. It's been general hospital here so projects have once again taken a back seat. Fortunately, everyone is on the mend. We have a pullout sofa bed in the family room that when someone is sick, the tradition has been to pull out the bed. It's been open since last Tuesday. I'll be glad when it is folded back up.

Our garage door opener died when it tried to open while being iced shut. Apparently snow that was on the cars melted, then refroze when it hit the outside air. Repair parts are on the way.