We've had friends from NY visiting for the last several days, here to celebrate my oldest daughters sixteenth birthday. It was good getting caught up with the news from up north. It's still hard to believe that I have a sixteen year old.
I got back out to the deck this afternoon, and got to work attaching the Azek skirtboards. By 7 o'clock, we had all the skirtboards attached. My dad came over for several hours and had some good tips on better ways to do things. I also borrowed his radial arm saw to cut the 12" wide skirt boards. My chop saw can't cut much deeper than 8", so having the extra reach with the radial arm was a great advantage.

At this point, all I have left is to get the skirt boards onto the side of the steps, install the step railings, and some cleanup activities. It's good to be almost done!

On the computer front, the Apple store was not able to reproduce the problem I was having after two days of testing. The computer came home on Wednesday, and the problems started again on Thursday. I took the computer back today. Fortunately, the store showed me where the loading dock was, so I won't have to carry the PC through the mall again. The good news - they were able to reproduce the problem today, so hopefully they'll be able to figure out soon.
One cool thing on the work front, my department will be doing a 3 month trial of 4-10 hour days. This will give me every Friday off! We'll be starting this upcoming week.
Til' next time. . .