I haven't been blogging recently because I haven't been working on the house and life has been busy. That being said, I thought I'd take a minute to keep things current.
Thanksgiving went extremely well. We wound up having twelve people over between my wife's family and some neighbors. The dining room was back in shape.

The day after Thanksgiving, we went and purchased our Christmas tree and decorated the house. Nothing makes a house feel like a home like Christmas decorations.

The first Monday after Thanksgiving is deer season in Pennsylvania. My nephew went for the first time with my Dad and I to hunt land in central PA. We had a great, albeit cold, time hunting the elusive whitetail. This was the first time in 13 years that I hunted with my dad. Unfortunately, we're eating pasta this year because one of us missed a shot. I won't say who, but my nephew was carrying around an empty shell casing afterwards. . .

This past Saturday, my wife's entire family traveled three hours west to meet up with extended family from Ohio at a Bed and Breakfast. We exchanged presents, ate a lot, and had a good time catching up. My sister in law gave me a Porter Cable pin nailer to work the moulding in the dining room!

Coming home from this trip, another snowflake shut the roads down. I miss upstate NY.